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Regulation Best Interest

Regulation Best Interest or Reg BI

Fleming says recent events have exposed what may be a significant flaw in Regulation Best Interest
'A regulator who always says "no" is not serving investors well,' Peirce says.
Knowledge dissolves in information
The issues on the agenda today are all critically important for investors: Regulation Best Interest, gamification of trading, ESG, and the private markets
"The SEC did not follow up on indications that key aspects of the disclosures were not well-understood by investors: specifically, the distinction between a relationship ...
Beneficial owner, Reg BI, fiduciary duty on Commission's menu
RCW has obtained a copy of a recent FINRA document request letter for an exam that focused largely on Regulation Best Interest
'Deeper reviews' of Reg BI and Form CRS, examinations of CAT compliance coming
FINRA has been coordinating with the SEC to make sure exam efforts are not being duplicated
“Ladies and gentlemen, these are my principles,” a great moral philosopher once said. “And if you don’t like them—well, I have others.” For the past ...

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