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Regulation Best Interest

Regulation Best Interest or Reg BI

"Firms need to take investor protection and compliance obligations seriously, reining in or curing any conflicts and really delivering the best interest advice that investors ...
RCW has taken the nearly 3,000 word staff release and converted the guidance into a list of do’s and don’ts
FINRA cautions that issues can arise when issuers don't understand the unique characteristics of complex products and their risks
The staff strongly encourages firms to eliminate or mitigate any incentive that poses a risk of causing the firm or its financial professionals to place ...
Expert sees regulatory jujitsu in Chairman's moves
FINRA executed "a more comprehensive review of firms' processes, practices and conduct" in several areas
Lee suggests firms bring an "enhanced focus" to recommendations and mitigate conflicts of interest
The "tide-turning reforms" expected after Reg BI took effect have yet to fully materialize
Focus areas should serve as a useful guide for shoring up compliance weaknesses
"Compliance personnel should closely evaluate account opening procedures, to consider whether practices for selecting default account options or presenting or otherwise highlighting a subset of ...

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