Home Cybersecurity


"I’ve asked staff to make recommendations for the Commission’s consideration around how to strengthen financial sector registrants’ cybersecurity hygiene and incident reporting"
A cybersecurity illustrative image
Education, policies and technology can help prevent cyber threats.
The SEC has never fully revealed its secret sauce for exactly how it decides which advisers to examine but some common factors that go into ...
Many experts recommend firms adopt the framework to better protect their networks
SEC Commissioner Crenshaw
"It is important, particularly for financial professionals, to identify and assess the ESG risks that might impact company or client, not just in this year, ...
The ancient Chinese supposedly had a curse: May you live in interesting times. If they ever get a chance to reflect on the past two ...
In the event of a breach, take three actions: 1. prioritize data preservation (“it’s like a crime scene”) 2. forestall any restoration until the forensic ...
Roisman would like to see the Commission clear up industry confusion about whether to notify the SEC and investors of a cyber breach
Elad Roisman
"There should be some framework for reporting cyber-incidents to clients and to the Commission, to the extent the adviser has identified them to be material"
Another lesson provided by the hack is to have employees delete old e-mails, or at least route them to be auto-archived, says the CCO

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