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Bill Myers

Bill Myers has been a journalist for more than two decades in Chicago, Cambodia and Washington, DC. He started his career at the late, great City News Bureau of Chicago (motto: "If your mother says she loves you—check it out.")
Swindler took in firm's COO, feds claim
Regulators seek trading documents, P&Ps, internal communications
'This case is a petri dish about the economic system of the world'
'It offers prosecutors easy opportunities to show that they are doing something to hold Wall Street accountable'
"We're going to have a cleanup in aisle three, and the public is going to ask, 'Where was the oversight?'"
'What I found to be very compelling about this letter are lies that Mr. Gad put in the letter'
Outsourcing rare but multiple roles, funds abound
Regulatory 'firsts' land uncomfortably close to private funds
Banks must prove adequate controls, obtain 'non-objection' letter from supervisory offices

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