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Carl Ayers

Carl Ayers Carl Ayers, Publisher | 202-908-6194 | cayers@regcompliancewatch.com Carl has been the publisher of Regulatory Compliance Watch since 2008. He has won several national journalism awards, including for investigative reporting. In 2018, Ayers won two awards - a second place award for Best Spot News for a story reporting Form ADV developments ahead of the SEC (IA Watch, July 6, 2017), and a third place award for Best Investigative Reporting for a series on an adviser that initially fought SEC charges (IA Watch, July 27, 2017). He has worked at newspapers, in television news and in healthcare journalism. Carl hails from New Jersey, earned his master's degree from Northwestern University and enjoys playing guitar, working out and pursuing golf.
The Securities and Exchange Commission published a Proposed Rule in the Federal Register on Wednesday, December 23, 2015 (FR Doc 2015–31703; 80 FR 79757) concerning, ...
Many of the issues discussed in this guidance were brought into focus by a recent sweep examination of a number of mutual fund complexes, investment ...
This December 2015 letter comes from a "phone" exam. It contains a long list of items, including for a list of mutual funds with share ...
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“Commission” or “CFTC”) is proposing to amend existing Commission regulations to establish an alternative to fingerprinting to evaluate the fitness ...
The Securities and Exchange Commission (‘‘Commission’’) is making a technical correction to its rules concerning Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity (‘‘Regulation SCI’’) under the Securities Exchange ...
Some prognosticate that 2016 will be lighter than usual when it comes to new regulations, as Congress and the Administration hunker down prior to the ...
As you might expect cybersecurity occupies a top spot on the priority list for many of your compliance peers in 2016.   Dividend Assets Capital ...
2016 Regulatory Calendar for RIAs Predictions abound for the year ahead. While many expect develop-ments – such as a final fiduciary duty rule from the ...
With its proposed rule to heighten disclosures from alternative trading system operators (IA Watch, Nov. 19, 2015), the SEC wants to bring dark pools into ...
FINRA took the first steps towards overhauling its troubled arbitration system with the release of a task force report urging a big pay hike and ...

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