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Form ADV

With the month’s end in sight, the clear majority of advisers are putting the final touches on their amended Form ADV. One of those final ...
Back in December, SEC Chair Mary Jo White announced a plan to “enhance and strengthen” the Commission’s regulatory programs in response to the ever-changing asset ...
It’s an often stated maxim delivered at industry conferences: you don’t want your firm’s compliance issues to appear on page one of the Wall Street ...
PageOne, a registered investment adviser, and E. Page, its sole owner and principal, hid serious conflicts of interest from their advisory clients in connection with recommending ...
When your regulator has embraced a risk-based approach to prioritizing exams, it’s always helpful to know what factors are actively being considered. In a speech ...
Wyoming is the only state in the country that does not regulate investment advisers. That led three investment advisers to attempt to take advantage of ...
Wyoming Investment Management Services ($70M in AUM) and its CCO, president, portfolio manager and sole employee Craig Scariot. The SEC stated in the settlement that ...
When it comes to Form ADV drafting tips, the first thing often heard is to check Part 1A and 2A and 2B for disclosure consistency ...
Red flags are to be avoided at all costs when it comes to your firm’s Form ADV since the SEC will unquestionably be scrutinizing this ...
There are a number of  “red flags” sure to be caught by SEC examiners when they comb over your Form ADV (see related story).  While ...

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